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More evidence of WTC Controlled Demolition

If you’ve already seen the 9/11 Eyewitness video, you’ve already seen this footage a few times. When the WTC North Tower comes down, the central core columns are left standing a few second before they come down as well. If you look carefully, you will see a series of small flashes on the core columns before they fall down.

Those flashes are similar to the flashes you see when you look at those videos where they bring down a building in a controlled demolition. As explosives go off inside the building to take out the supporting structure, you see flashes through the windows of the building. An expert on controlled demolitions speaking on condition of anonymity has confirmed that the flashes seen in this video at the core columns of the North Tower are “similar to RDX-class cutting charges” which are used to cut through steel.

Also remember that many firefighters have testified that they saw flashes going around the building before they collapsed and that they also heard explosions inside the buildings. These testimonies have recently been released.


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